SKDA is a Standards-Referenced school. Math & ELA standards have been adapted to meet/exceed Diocesan and State Standards. These standards communicate what students should know and be able to do by the end of each academic year. Student mastery of grade level standards is evaluated through the use of proficiency scales (developed by Marzano et al.) and form the basis of Standards-Referenced Grading. Without penalty, students are given multiple opportunities guided by teacher feedback to demonstrate mastery. SKDA is currently participating in the Diocesan Standards-Referenced Grading Report Card pilot where our data is used along with the other pilot schools to inform improvements.
Blended Learning
At SKDA, blended learning involves the use of technology in a station rotation learning model that enables a more personalized educational experience specific to the needs of every child. Students are able to move through the curriculum at their own pace within each lesson and are challenged to reach their maximum potential.
STEM is the abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. STEMscopes, is a 5-E, problem-based, Next Generation Science Standards curriculum adopted by SKDA. Each unit includes engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation (the 5-Es). This curricular approach teaches students to be critical thinkers and problem-solvers.