St. Katharine Drexel Academy

Step by Step Instructions for Enrolling at SKDA
Costs & Tuition Assistance

Required Enrollment Forms

Enrollment Process
Submit required documents​
Complete & sign enrollment agreement with registration fee ($400 per family)
Complete profile in SchoolSpeak
Standard Tuition Rates for 2024-2025 School Year
1-Child $6,850
2-Child $12,500
3-Child $18,150
4-Child $23,800
St. Katharine Drexel Academy is resolved to make our quality Catholic education affordable and accessible. SKDA provides financial aid to qualified enrolled families.
Tuition is managed via FACTS.

You will need to create a FACTS account & then complete an Enrollment Packet​
List of required documents due with Enrollment Packet:
Copy of birth certificate(s)
Copy of immunization records
Copy of most recent report card
Copy of any standardized testing scores
If Catholic:
Copy of baptismal certificate(s)
Copy of First Eucharist certificate(s)​
Please be prepared to submit and sign the following forms in the Admissions Application:
Emergency Contacts
Photo Release
Technology Responsible Use Agreement